When your phone is turned off, outside of service area or during a call you'll receive voice messages into your Voicemail. To listen to a message, change the recording, or change settings for the voicemail, dial 770 1717. If you have not opened your Voicemail before, enter a four-digit passcode of your choice to access your voicemail. Otherwise, enter your current passcode and follow the instructions.
To turn off Voicemail
It's easy to switch off the Voicemail for your number in the Nova app or in Stóllinn on nova.is.
You simply open the Nova app and log in with a phone number.
Then you select your profile the upper right corner, and an overview of your services will appear. Select the phone number you want change.
Click on Talhólf (Voicemail) to deactivate your Voicemail.
Can't remember your password?
If you need to reset your Voicemail password just contact us on the online chat on nova.is or the Callcenter 519-1919 and we'll sort it out.
Psst - We do not store your password, but we can certainly reset it for you, but remember that old messages will be deleted if we reset your Voicemail.