You can turn off Monthly Top Up for prepaid Nova numbers in the Nova app on your phone or in Stóllinn at
In Stóllinn you simply click on the number that you want to remove the Top Up on and click Usage (Notkun)
There you can find an option called Monthly Top Up (Sjálfvirkar áfyllingar). If you can see it there is an active Top Up on the number. Click the three dots on the right side of the bar to open the menu for the Top up.
Click Turn Off (Slökkva)
There will be an announcement that you have to confirm to remove the Top Up from your number:
To turn off the Top Up in the Nova app in your phone you simply open the Nova app and log in with a phone number.
Then you select the user icon in the upper right corner, and an overview of your services will appear. Select the phone number you want change.
Next, you need to select the Top Up itself. It shows an overview of usage and if you scroll to the bottom of the page there is a button called 'Disable Autofill' (Slökkva á áfyllingu). You simply click on that button and you're all set!
Next, you need to select the Top Up itself. It shows an overview of usage and if you scroll to the bottom of the page there is a button called 'Disable Autofill' (Slökkva á áfyllingu). You simply click on that button and you're all set!.