Unregistered pre-paid number from Nova is a phone number that is not registered to a SSN (Kennitala) or linked to an individual in any way. Unregistered numbers can be purchased as a new number in the store or as a Nova starter pack at gas stations and airports. If your number is registered and you want to have an unregistered number you need to buy a new one, it's not possible to change a number from registered to unregistered.
But it's best to have your phone number registered to get the best possible service. By registering your number you can use your number abroad. If you lose your phone or SIMcard, you can get the same number again, because we can identify the number. You will also receive all the latest information regarding your service and news.
You can register unregistered numers in Stóllinn if you have an electronic ID or by coming to a Nova store with your phone and valid ID (Passport or Driving License).