You can use your Nova phone number within Europe (EEA) when you are traveling abroad without charges according to the EU regulation Roam Like at Home. If use abroad becomes permanent, calls and SMS will be charged. There is no charge for data usage so you can use your data without charges as before.
Permanent roaming or permanent use is considered when use abroad (EEA) in the last four months is greater than in Iceland. We send an SMS to inform when such a charge starts.
The following SMS is sent to all those who start roaming permanently:
Kæri ferðalangur, ertu ekkert á leiðinni heim? Innifalin notkun í Evrópu (EES) miðast við tímabundna notkun en miðað við þína notkun er dvöl þín ekki lengur tímabundin og greiðir þú því samkvæmt verðskrá. Sjá nánar hér: Kveðja, Nova +3545191919
It translates to following:
Dear traveler, are you not on your way home? Included use in Europe (EEA) is based on temporary use, but based on your use, your stay is no longer temporary and you pay for it according to the price list. See more here: Regards, Nova +3545191919
The surcharge for a permanent roaming is only paid when you are abroad, so this does not affect when the number is used in Iceland.
Permanent roaming does not disappear when arriving in Iceland, but when the use at home has become greater than the use abroad in the last four months, the permanent roaming stops. We check this automatically every day.
Permanent roaming and Internet abroad (countries outside of EEA - Net Í útlöndum)
Permanent roaming only affects the use of your service with Nova when in Europe (EEA). As the countries in Net í útlöndum are not the same as in Roam Like at Home in Europe (EEA), it does not affect how you pay for the package!
Check out the countries included in the Internet abroad here.